NGV car system

   hi and assalamualaikum.
   today i would like to share to you regarding not so new technology for automotive.
   due to the increase in price of fuel or petrol nowadays, it has force the people to find the
   alternative for that.
previously it been heard that some researcher found that the palm oil or cooking oil can be the new fuel alternative in the future, but the project seems to be silence.
and after that there was one technology that invented in the market called "NGV".
this alternative fuel technology been popularized by taxi user where it claimed to be cost saving.
and nowadays this NGV has been used widely by most of car owner.
my family also installed this NGV system into 3 of our car consist of 2 Proton Perdana and 1 Perodua kancil.

but what is this NGV actually?
how the system work in reducing the fuel cost?
according to

"NGV stands for 'Natural Gas For Vehicles', also known as Compressed natural gas (CNG), is an alternative fuel that is suitable for automotive use"

this NGV basically replace the usage of Petroleum as the main fuel or power source for engine.
it use Compressed natural gas (CNG) instead of Petrol.
according to

"CNG is made by compressing natural gas (which is mainly composed of methane, CH4), to less than 1% of the volume it occupies at standard atmospheric pressure. It is stored and distributed in hard containers at a pressure of 200–248 bar (2,900–3,600 psi), usually in cylindrical or spherical shapes."

this NGV system still using the same engine and parts, but it will add up several component into the fuel system.
there will be a cylinder tank that will be place usually at the back of the car.
the cylinder is high pressure one and it act as the tank for the CNG.
the tank will be connected with the NGV system at the front of the vehicle which is at the engine bay.


this NGV system consist of:
  • Tank - to hold the compressed natural gas in the car
  • Kit - which includes the Regulator ( the heart of the NGV system), the high pressure tube, the electrical, petrol solenoid, Emulator, clips, screws and other accessories
  • Gas mixer - which eventually mixes the air and the NGV gas.

NGV is supported by the government with incentives and legislation to encourage vehicles owner to use NGV such as:
  • NGV price is only 68 cent/litre equivalent of petrol, is cheaper than other fuels. 
  • NGV conversion kits are exempted from import duty and sales tax.
  • Reduction of road tax from existing levels: 
    • Monogas vehicle (NGV only) - 50% off 
    • Bi-fuel vehicle (Petrol & NGV) - 25% off 
    • Dual-fuel vehicle (Diesel & NGV) - 25% off 
with such incentive and support, no wonder the number of car user that switch to NGV system keep increasing and one of them is me.

in my experience on using this NGV system for almost a year,
i could say that this has save me lots of money.
as a student, money seems to be the critical factor and it is too limited for me to just waste it on fuel/petrol.
buy using NGV system, i can drive from my home at Malacca to Shah Alam for just RM9 and usually there still balance of gas in the tank.
and it cost me also around RM9 to use the car within Shah Alam for a week.
try to imagine if i use petrol insted of CNG?
i have tried it before by using petrol, it will cost me around RM30 from Malacca to Shah Alam.
and for weekly use within Shah Alam, it will cost me full tank which is around RM80.
and my weekly pocket money just RM100.
surely the pocket money will be fully use for fuel cost.

the system also easy to use, there is no technical thing that need to be know by the user.
once the system been installed, the user just need to fill up the tank and use it.
there is no special button or special command.

but of course the cost for installation not cheap.
the price usually depend on the size of tank.
the bigger the tank, the higher the price.
for my Proton perdana, i use 60litre tank and it cost me RM4900 to install the whole system.
of course the installation cost quite high, but try to view it for the long term usage.
and it can be fill up to RM10 of CNG gas and average milage around 160-170km for a full tank.
this CNG only provided by Petronas Malaysia and now most of state have at least one station that provide this CNG pump.

p/s : cost of CNG is low but the cost for Toll more than my full tank NGV.




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